The book was so boring that only the most boring people in the world could read it without falling asleep.
One day a bunch of kids got homework: they were supposed to read a couple of pages in the book. When their teacher told them the bad news, all the kids fell down on their benches, sighing.
"Noo, please, not that. We'll do anything but please, don't make us read that book!"
But the teacher showed no mercy. They had to read the book, whether they liked it or not.

What were they going to do?
Their teacher might manage to read the book, but the kids were kids, and kids don't like boring things.
Anyway, the kids' mothers didn't believe them when thay said they had a stomach ache, so they had to go to school.
The only thing they could do now was to read the book, and just hope they wouldn't fall asleep. They tried on all the breaks between the lessons, but they couldn't do it.
The time just flew by, and suddenly it was time for The Lesson. And none of the kids had still done their homework!
When the teacher found out she cried:
"Oh, I'm very disappointed in you all" And then she continued with a nicer voice "Well, then I just have to read the pages to you outloud"
When the kids heard that they all fell down on their benches again, sighing.
The teacher still lives in belief that the sighs were out of relief.
And the book lives on, continuing to torture kids all over the world.